Did you know that TukTuk Charity wasn't always TukTuk Charity? When we were first established in 2015 we started out as Tuk Tuk Theatre until we officially registered as ‘Tuk Tuk For Children’ (or Tuk Tuk 4 Children) and the website was registered at the domain ‘tuktuk4children.org’ and is currently no longer updated. (it's like a time machine looking at it though 😉)
Not only has the name changed a bit over the years, but so has our mission. Sure we still want to bring smiles to the underprivileged children of Cambodia, but now we are more focused. What started as a small project focused on informal education and personal development, has now been moved over to the state school system in Cambodia, working directly with Cambodian teachers to ensure our impact remains long after we pack up and head home.
Tuk Tuk for Children initially began as just a small game plan to help share larger dreams, (larger than the confines of their villages at the least), ended up as a full-time, voluntary education project. Our focus changed as well from working directly with children, to instead, working with the teachers in state-run schools. In this way, we are being more responsible in our efforts and ensuring longer-lasting change. Each teacher in our program will continue to use the resources and teacher training provided, over the 20+ years of their careers ensuring a huge increase in the number of beneficiary children.
It has been an interesting journey from Tuk Tuk for Children, working in villages to, TukTuk Charity in the rural schools of Cambodia and it is all possible from our amazing supporters and volunteers. Not only are the director's volunteers but they are also supported by a large team of professionals who generously volunteer their time to support the preschool teachers of Cambodia. And let us not forget a big thanks to the 7 local staff working at our location in Pursat.
From Tuk Tuk Theatre, Tuk Tuk For Children to TukTuk Charity. With each name change, the long-term mission of the organisation becomes even more focused and will play an important part in children's education in Cambodia for many years to come.